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Staff Picks

Dr. Ron Hunninghake1.What do you like about this product? Simple. Safe. Scientifically grounded. The perfect universal vitamin pill…a true “McPill.”(First described this way by Dr. Hugh Riordan himse…

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Research Shows: Oral Vitamin C Can Protect Against the Common Cold

A recently published study in the journal Nutrients entitled, “Vitamin C and Infections” by Harri Hemilä of the University of Helsinki in Finland, found a strong correlation between oral vitamin C dos…

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Heart Disease and Vitamin C: How to Protect Yourself from Accelerated Aging

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid (AA) is essential for life in humans, as the capacity to synthesize it has been lost in the course of our evolution. Besides antioxidant properties and its role in collagen…

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Do Vitamins Really Work?

At times, one may read studies published in daily newspapers and news magazines that recommend eating a balanced diet, which will satisfy all of your nutritional needs. This mantra is also repeated by…

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Know Your Nutrients: Riordan Clinic Iodine 12.5

Iodine is an essential nutrient, meaning that we do not produce it internally and we have to get it from our food. Unfortunately, our soil is depleted of this vital nutrient and the only effective way…

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