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Blog Articles

Vitamins: What's the Big Deal?

The human body requires certain nutrients in trace quantities in order to combat diseases and stay healthy. These nutrients are called vitamins. Your body can’t manufacture most of the vitamins it nee…

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Staff Picks

Dr. Ron Hunninghake1.What do you like about this product? Simple. Safe. Scientifically grounded. The perfect universal vitamin pill…a true “McPill.”(First described this way by Dr. Hugh Riordan himse…

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Riordan Clinic D3/K2: The Birth of a Superhero Combo

The privately formulated Riordan Clinic vitamin D3/K2 combines the amazing healing capacity and safety of vitamin D and K into the convenience of one capsule. Back in October, we talked about the impo…

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Patient Profile: Vitamin D and Postpartum

As winter is upon us, the days are getting shorter and our time outdoors will soon become limited as we head into the dark seasons with only an optimal reserve of vitamin D. As Dr. Ron wrote in his Oc…

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Vitamins D3 and K2: The Dynamic Duo

Every fall, leading into winter, the sun sets further and further into the south. The days get shorter and the sun’s rays diminish in duration and intensity. This is when D3—”the sunshine vitamin”—blo…

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